Friday, August 03, 2007

Hide 'N' Seek

Birds Eating the Hand

I was happily lounging on the sofa, when the birds flew in for a visit and settled into the palm of my hand quite comfortably. When Joey started nibbling on my fingers, I couldn't help but wonder - certainly I have heard of birds "eating out the palm of one's hand" but what about birds eating the actual hand?? Yes, these certainly are my pampered little princes.

Wii Want to Play

Whenever Darren is beating me at Big Brain Academy, I call in my special reinforcement team to help me out... Afterall, Wii is for the whole flock -and the Wiimote makes a comfortable perch.

"Tucked" Birds

There is something about "tucked" and napping bird that is simply irresistable... exponentially so when doubled!

Celina with Snuggling Birds

Michelle with the Birds

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Affordable Housing

Darren and I would love to purchase our very own home and I even found a quaint little cabin at an affordable price (a very difficult thing to do in Vancouver). Now all we need is some serious advice on downsizing. In the meantime, at least Ernie and Joey are able to enjoy our pint-sized piece of real estate!

My Three Guys