Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Birdie See, Birdie Do

While I was selecting some stori
es to read to Julian (since I haven't had a chance to pick up some new books from the Library), the birds came to investigate what I was up to. They quickly figured out they could sit inside this new little "hidey-hole" in my littlest book case behind the sofa. I don't know why, but the birds often become fascinated with new spaces. Two days in a row, one of the first things the birds have done when they have been let out of their cage in the morning is fly over to the book case and check it out.

Puzzle Piece Tag

Joey has introduced a new game into the family.

First, Joey sneaks down and grabs a puzzle piece. This phase can take awhile, because we usually catch him and shoo him away before he can get a piece into his beak.

Second, Joey quickly and adroitly works to seperate the upper "picture" layer of the puzzle piece from the lower "cardboard" layer.

Third, as soon as we notice, we chase Joey around the living room trying to get the puzzle piece back before he can do too much damage. This phase continues until one of us can trick Joey into dropping the puzzle piece - usually on the bottom of his cage once he is cornered inside.

I must say, that although I do not relish the idea of having my puzzle shredded into little bits... it is actually kinda fun chasing Joey around the room, and I usually find myself laughing as I chase my little Bandit Bird.

Hey! Stop Stealing my Balsa!

I was experimenting with the camera when this little squabble over the balsa wood broke out between Ernie and Joey. Lesson learned, never have the camera on B&W when shooting the birds... they look so much better in full colour!

Ernie was being greedy again, grabbing the stick and pulling it away from Joey. Luckily, Joey knows how to asset himself... I love the foot in the air - it's like "HEY! Give that BACK, or I'm gonna take it!"

Balsa Wood Bandits

Darren gave the birds a piece of balsa wood for their chewing enjoyment. Ernie and Joey spent the next 15 minutes happily shredding it all over Darren and the floor. We are considering going into the wood chip business.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Puzzling Birds

Last Night the Evers girls ended up coming to visit. While Darren helped Gracie with her math, Abi decided she wanted to do a puzzle. The birds were soon enraptured with puzzling... turning over the pieces in their beaks, skattering them around, and trying to pull the pieces apart. I soon found myself chasing Joey around the living room trying to get a piece back before he destroyed it. If there is a piece missing when the puzzle is done, I will know who to suspect.
Ernie is trying to decide which piece to munch.

Tactile Toes

Please note how the lovebird (Ernie) wraps his toes around the curtain as he makes his descent head first. Lovebirds have amazing feet. The two toes forward, two toes back design is part of what designates lovebirds as "parrots" and makes them such agile climbers.

Ernie is Stripping Again

Strips on the floor, strips on my desk... who needs to pay for an electric paper shredder when you have an Ernie?

Two Heads Are Better Than One

While Ernie and Joey were chewing a catalogue on my desk, their heads merged together into one fantastic paper shredding machine.