Friday, December 22, 2006

Birds in the Navity?

Joey and Ernie wanted to play the part of the "angels" in the Christmas story this year... Certainly they are able to fly, but I am not so sure about the requirement for "angelic" behaviour! Wicker basket, Hairtie, and stray pieces of paper say, "No Way!"

Drawer Raiders

Ernie: What are those white fluffly things?!?

Joey: Do you think they would be good for chewing?

Ernie: I don't know Joey... first we have to get them out of that bag!

Winter Sunshine

The birds are enjoying one of the rare moments of sunshine available in the Winter. First, it must be a clear morning. Second, it must be just the right time (only a 30 minute time frame in the morning). Third, due to the limited angle of the sunlight, the birds must be held in just the right spot. When all conditions are met, however, it makes for some very happy birds!

Contest Entered!

I entered the ALBS contest - so everyone cross your fingers and toes for me in the hopes that I will win! The winner will be announced Jan 5th. Only four photos were allowed with each submission, so I montaged 3 of my favorite pictures of Joey bathing into this one shot.

Doctor Joe

The night after the first big snow storm in November, Ernie came down sick. He had gorged himself on Broccoli the night before, severly irritating his digestive system. We rushed him to Night Owl for treatment and Ernie spent several days at the hospital recovering. Poor Joey had no idea where Ernie had gone, and was very distressed at his absence. Needless to say, Joey was very pleased with Ernie's return home. Perhaps sensing that his best buddy was still a bit under the weather, Joey spent the next couple of days preening Ernie in all the satisfying spots. It may have been our imagination, but all that preening really seemed to help Ernie feel better! The pictures are all "red" because of the heat light we had shining on the cage - per Doctor MacDonald's instructions, Ernie was kept very warm.