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World Cup fevor has hit our household!Darren is rooting for Argentia and Japan.Argentia is Darren's favorite team.Japan is D's team in the work pool.Darren is out!Joey is rooting for the Ivory Coast.Peachfaced Lovebirds come from West Africa.Joey is out!Celina is rooting for Germany.I think it would be nice for the hometeam to win.Celina gets Third Place!Ernie is rooting for France. E made his preference known by landing on D's France hat.Ernie comes in second!When I decided to document Ernie's preference, however, Ernie decided to make life difficult. Everytime I would point the camera at him, he would come and land ON THE CAMERA (Ernie is very fascinated with the camera). I had to replace him on the hat about six times before he finally would stay put. Finally, I looked him straight in the eye, and told him to "stay" -- and he did. Who says, birds don't understand language?!?!
This should have been a post announcing 'Zeus' safe return home to Christina... unfortunately, things do not always end up the way we would like them to end up.
Monday, June 5th, at around 11:00am in the morning 'Zeus suddenly had a seizure and died.
I was on my way to give 'Zeus his morning medicine, and let him out to play with Ernie and Joey, when I heard flapping from the computer room. I rushed in, and noticed that 'Zeus was holding up his foot and nibbling on it... signs that he may have injured his foot somehow. Then he put his foot back down on his perch, and placed his weight on it, so I thought I may have been imagining things. Unsure, I decided to let 'Zeus out, and give him his medicine later. Upon letting 'Zeus out, however, I discovered that something was very wrong because he wasn't able to land properly, and kept landing on his stomach. I quickly rushed to pick him up and place him in my "emergency cage" (a reptitle box with clean dish towels placed on the bottom for the bird's comfort). I rushed to get on the phone with animal emergency so I could take him into the Bird Hospital (it is technically closed on Monday's, but if you have an emergency you can go). As I was on the phone, however, 'Zeus had 3 sets of wing flapping movements each one making him weaker than the last. After the last set of flapping 'Zeus had died. Unsure, of whether he had died, or was unconscious, I rushed him over to the doctor... but it was too late.
We are very saddened by the loss of 'Zeus. It seems strange to be only filling one water dish, and one set of food dishes every morning. I miss his tiny little chirps. Hopefully he is flying the skies of heaven and resting in a tree somewhere with Bert, Puffy, and Rainbow.
Birds are adorable when they bathe and 'Zeus is no exception. Since his arrival in our home, I had been trying to get 'Zeus to take a bath -- I was delighted when I walked into the back bedroom and discovered Zeus was splashing around in Joey's bathing bowl (Ernie is very particular and will only bathe in my hands under the faucet). I quickly ran to grab the digital camera and snap some photos.